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    EXPLAINER: Why IAS is NOT a JOB but a LIFESTYLE | Life in IAS| Breaking Myths about UPSC/Govt Jobs

    EXPLAINER: Why IAS is a lifestyle NOT a JOB | Life in the IAS-Breaking Myths about UPSC and Government Jobs


    UPSC should bring in the following changes in its civil services exam.

    Bring down the time period (low-hanging fruit): 99.5% fail this exam. India’s youngsters waste 24 months give or take to prepare and attempt for prelims, mains, and interviews. If for some reason they fail the exam, it is practically impossible to transition into a great MBA school or private sector.

    UPSC shouldn’t be a zero-sum binary game where the winner takes all: If a person has cleared Prelims or Mains – this component should be accounted for in the next year’s attempt cycle.

    There should be a specialized recruitment process for different services: It is ludicrous to have a foreign service aspirant write the same exam conducted to recruit a Railways officer or a Tax Collector, or a Police Officer.

    Except for India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh – this nonsense doesn’t happen anywhere else in the modern world.

    Create exit opportunities for those in the top 10%ile: This could be done via partnering with organizations such as BCG, Global Governance Initiative, World Bank, etc – who are expanding the scope of work in the impact sector.

    Increase the number of questions asked in the Prelims exam: Over a million candidates appear for Prelims. The mass scale elimination is based on just 100 Objective Type Questions – where a one wrong check mark leads to a 1 year wasted.

    The UPSC exam has ruined many lives, and has broken the confidence of innumerable bright youngsters. India’s young talent could be building startups, creating products, and could make a huge difference in the age of infinite leverage.

    Major topics covered:

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    the reality of govt job,
    govt jobs reality,
    government jobs reality in india,
    reality of government jobs,
    govt jobs harsh reality,
    UPSC Exam

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